I was doing well posting every week in May but somehow fell off last week. I already had the reviews up so I don’t know why I didn’t post. I think I’m in a blogging and reading slump. As for the latter, maybe my Reading the Rainbow reading challenge will bring new excitement. In regards to the former, I’m looking forward to potentially meeting up with some of you during the KidLit Lovers’ Meetup that Max from Completely Full Bookshelf is organizing. Admittedly, I may end up missing the first one since I don’t get off work until half an hour into it.

Some things I’ve done since June started:
-Powell’s Books had a Warehouse Sale the first weekend of the month. I was very excited to go but when I got there fifteen minutes before they were scheduled to open, the line was already 5 blocks long and continually growing. I had to work on the other side of town so I didn’t actually go and get in but it was sort of exciting that so many people were so into books and deals that they would do this.
-I went to a KidLit Happy Hour that some local Portland author/illustrators have set up. I ended up staying three hours so I’m considering it a good event.
-I went to a Filipino book reading and it was nice to be around other Filipinos during a literary event. It was a very spur of the moment event for me but I’m glad I went.
-I watched a play with gay characters. The theater company had Pride Night before it.

In 2024, I’ve read 186 books so far.

The breakdown is:
10- Adult novels
2- Adult non-fiction
23- Graphic novels
30- Middle Grade novels
114- Picture Books and Board Books
7- Young Adult novels
of which
29- Nonfiction Picture Books
21- Audio Books
13- Books by Filipino Authors and/or Illustrators
32- Books by LGBTQ+ Authors and/or Illustrators

Oh My Kulay: Colors, Fruits, and Veggies in FilipinoOh My Kulay: Colors, Fruits, and Veggies in Filipino by Jocelyn Francisco
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was pleasantly surprised to find this on display at a library I visited before I headed to a reading by a Filipino writer. A simple concept book of colors and fruits and vegetables in both English and Tagalog. I definitely learned some words I wasn’t familiar with (or maybe had just forgotten) like what the color orange is and what a ripe coconut is called in Tagalog.

I Think We Can!: A Visit to the Pride Parade (The Little Engine That Could)I Think We Can!: A Visit to the Pride Parade by G. M. King
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I never thought I’d see a classic picture book character going to a Pride parade but it’s a cute idea.

Riley Reynolds Slays the PlayRiley Reynolds Slays the Play by Jay Albee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nonbinary fourth grader Riley Reynolds is back to help their classmates with a school play that still needs a lot of work before the curtain rises. I like that all the books start off with a mini comic introducing Riley and a glossary of helpful terms. This is a good early chapter book series with full color illustrations to diversify an elementary school library.

Riley Reynolds Glitterfies the GalaRiley Reynolds Glitterfies the Gala by Jay Albee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nonbinary fourth grader Riley Reynolds wants to make sure the library fundraiser is a success and helps out any way they can but it’s not easy when they’re also trying to avoid someone who’s there too. I was originally going to save reading these books for my Reading the Rainbow challenge during Pride month but couldn’t resist. It was good to know that they’re are four other titles that were released recently.

Walking in This World: The Practical Art of CreativityWalking in This World: The Practical Art of Creativity by Julia Cameron
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I didn’t realize there was a sequel to The Artist’s Way until I saw (if I remember correctly) a third book in the series so I ended up backtracking and picking up this book. Most fans of the original bestselling creativity book will be familiar with Morning Pages and Artist Dates. This one adds another tool- the weekly Artist Walk.

It has some good insights and I actually quite enjoyed listening to it on audio book as I walked. The ending seemed rather abrupt though.

The Chromatic FantasyThe Chromatic Fantasy by H. A.
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I really wanted to like this book more because, as a physical object, it looks stunning. The illustrations were also mostly stunning. The story could have been tighter and it left me both wanting more and grateful it was over.

You can view all my reviews over on Goodreads. Please consider supporting independent bookstores when you want to buy any of the books I’ve mentioned via Bookshop.org or Libro.fm.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Reading!

3 thoughts on “My Reading Week #IMWAYR- June 10, 2024

  1. You have read a lot of books this year so far! The June bookish activities sound delightful. I hope to make it to Max’s kidlit meetup as well. I like Julia Cameron’s ideas but I can never make it through her books for some reason. Maybe I will try one on audio and see if that works better for me. Sometimes changing the format is the key.

  2. I’m so glad you’re thinking of coming to the meetup, Earl—it would be so wonderful to meet you!! If you felt like hopping on straight after work, you are more than welcome to RSVP and join us when you’re free—you’re also welcome to wait for a time that works better for you. Either way is perfect!

    Also, that is fair that you’re in a reading slump right now—I feel like there are more things than I’d like that get in the way of reading. Emotions, things to do, books that aren’t so great and dull the joy of reading…it’s a pain! I hope your Reading the Rainbow challenge finds you some books that bring that joy back—I know they are out there!!

    And all the events you’ve gotten to do lately sound so wonderful—I would love to live in a place where people line up for blocks just to buy books.

    On the note of books, the Riley Reynolds series still sounds so delightful, and I have a copy of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way that I might try at some point! And Oh My Kulay sounds lovely too.

    Thanks so much for the wonderful post, as always, and I hope you enjoy your week!

  3. I really enjoyed working through Julia Cameron’s first book in 2023. I’ll have to check out the third book! Thank you for including a book blurb about it. 😊 Happy summer walks and reads Earl!

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