Commitment to Literacy

A year ago today, I launched “The Chronicles Of A Children’s Book Writer” to share my passion of children’s literature. It’s been an incredible experience knowing people out there are actually reading words I write/type. It’s also been hard work and a continuing learning experience to maintain a blog.

My work and volunteer (as well as personal) life center around promoting literacy. I began working at Green Bean Books, a wonderfully unique little independent children’s bookstore, over the summer. I love seeing the books that come in and I’m never more in my element than when I get to share them. I’ve even felt more creative since working there.

I continued to volunteer for the Multnomah County Library and one of the things I got to do was be a Summer Reading Assistant. It was a blast to be part of something that made reading more fun than it already is and getting to hand out prizes to the young readers was quite rewarding. My other regular volunteering has been with the Children’s Book Bank– a non-profit that gives kids from low-income families more than a bag of books that they get to keep but the opportunity for them to be successful in school and in life.

But, back to blogging, I’ve gotten to know so many people through the popular meme “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” (IMWAYR). My what-to-read-next list will never end because of all the great recommendations I get from these equally passionate readers! It’s great to be part of the IMWAYR community. There’s so much I can learn from them because they are fellow bloggers as well.

I’ll be sharing my goals for “Chronicles” in a future post but for now I just want to thank everyone who has taken time out of their busy lives to read my blog. It means a lot to me and I really appreciate it!

For the entire year of 2013, I’ll donate one book to the Children’s Book Bank for every comment left on this blog. This was something I did for my birthday and just wanted to do it all again.

So, hello, again. And, welcome!

Happy Reading!